In exceptional Condition
Morris, James (Jan) ~ Venice
Faber and Faber, London : 1960
The First UK printing published by Faber and Faber, London in 1960. The BOOK is in near Fine condition. The book is very slightly cocked. Some fading of the blue top-stain but otherwise the book is in exceptional condition. Free from inscriptions. Original red cloth, decorated and lettered in gilt, map endpapers, two sketch maps (one double-page), one page of line drawings of Venetian small vessels by Gerry Facey, many leaves of plates after photographs, including aerial photographs. The WRAPPER is complete and is in near Fine condition. Just the slightest of edge-wear at the spine tips and folds. A hint of toning to the spine . The red letttering to the spine remains unfaded and vibrant. The now very rare first edition, first printing of James (later Jan) Morris' most celebrated and revered portrait of the Serenissima. 'Often hailed as one of the best travel books ever written, Venice is neither a guide nor a history book, but a beautifully written immersion in Venetian life and character, set against the background of the city's past. Analysing the particular temperament of Venetians, as well as its waterways, its architecture, its bridges, its tourists, its curiosities, its smells, sounds, lights and colours, there is scarcely a corner of Venice that Jan Morris has not investigated and brought vividly to life' (Faber, the publisher's website, on a recent edition). An exceptional copy.
BINDING: Hardcover
JACKET: Near Fine